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Haitian Connection Network (HCN)

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A non-profit organization that provides a learning computer center to facilitate online classes of computer science and business administration in Haiti through their partnership with the University of the People. HCN currently has 20 students enrolled and 60 students on a waiting list. Students are awarded a 2-year Associate degree in computer science or business administration from the University of the People that provides the online education from Pasadena to Haiti.

Sponsor a student: Students can be sponsored through the Haitian Connection Network website by clicking on the student’s picture on the Sponsor a Student page. While the education is free, the infrastructure (the computers, safe location, bandwidth, personnel to manage HCN, and feeding program that ensures the students get at least one meal a day) costs $1,600 per student per year.

Cost of Sponsorship: Any of the students can be sponsored for $40 dollars a month, which will cover 1/4 of the costs associated with their education. To sponsor a student, click here.

To learn more about Haitian Connection Network, go to their Haiti1Stop Info-page.

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